Continental and Japanese Car Repair

There have been lots of debate on the disparities between continental and Japanese cars. Indeed, there are several differences between continental and Japanese cars that you should know about. This will not only help you in making an informed decision when buying a car but, also knowing what to expect in terms of repair. Generally, it is argued that Japanese cars are more economical than continental cars when it comes to initial costs and car maintenance.

Continental cars are vehicles that are manufactured in Europe most of which are, German, French and Italian. Today, there are quite a number of continental brands of cars in Singapore including, Mercedes Benz, Volvo, Audi, Volkswagen, BMW among others. Despite the high performance, comfort and luxury that is attached to these cars, most Singaporeans usually shy away from obtaining them on the basis that they come with elevated import taxes and costly to maintain.

Japanese cars are manufactured in Asia and, usually easier to ship to Singapore, which makes them quite cost-effective. Besides, their engine capacities are also relatively lower than those of continental cars. Considering these two factors, Japanese cars are generally affordable to acquire and maintain. The efficiency and reliability of Japanese cars are yet other elements that also make them very attractive to most people in Singapore.

Unlike continental cars whose parts and components usually need to be ordered and shipped in from the respective manufacturers, Japanese car parts can be easily obtained from local workshops. In terms of road tax, continental cars are also relatively more costly than Japanese cars. However, this should not be taken to mean that continental cars are expensive and not, the best choice. The choice of an ideal car should depend on your preference and budget.

The Cost of Continental and Japanese Car Repair

Generally, the cost of car repair is usually based on a number of factors. The key elements include, severity of damage, affected parts or components, car brand or type and expectations of the car owner. In case you also need other services related to repair like, car towing services, they would also be factored into the overall costs. But, the car will have to be inspected first in order to determine the required repair procedures.

Today, there are various kinds of parts for continental cars that you can readily find in local car repair workshops. These can always come in handy whenever you need to make replacement of certain damaged components. Obtaining continental car parts locally is more cost-effective but, you should be careful to acquire genuine parts. In case you are not sure of the continental car parts offered in local car repair workshops, it is advisable to just go the long road and order OEM parts directly from the car manufacturer.

Ordering continental car parts from the manufacturers usually comes with additional costs and could also take a little longer but, is always worth it. You will only need to order the parts if the damage on the car is so severe that only a replacement can fix it. A good car repair company will help you with making the orders and, also replacing those components. Involving a car repair company will enable you to easily get quality parts and also fair prices.

For Japanese cars, parts and components are always readily available in several local car workshops. This makes them more economical to obtain. However, it should be noted that not all workshops stock genuine Japanese car parts. There are some that offer counterfeit products and, you need to always be very keen when shopping for a replacement of car parts. In order to avoid the risk, leave the task to a reputable car repair company.

Apart from replacement, there are also several repair procedures that can be performed for both continental and Japanese cars. Damages like, dents, scratches and rust can be easily fixed in local car workshops near you. But, it is always recommended that you find a professional car repair company to ensure that the job is done right. However, you should expect slight differences in the costs of repair for continental and Japanese cars. Continental cars are relatively costly to repair than Japanese cars.

Professional Continental and Japanese Car Repair Singapore

In case you need professional car repair services for a continental or Japanese car in Singapore, Car Service Singapore is always the right workshop to visit. We offer diverse car repair procedures for all types and brands of cars with greater expertise, reliability and affordability. Simply talk to us for the best continental and Japanese car repair and servicing Singapore.